The Talismans of Shannara Locations

Travelling information from the book.

PAGE SUBJECT TALISMANS – late summer Mileage
81 Rabb river 2 days (24hrs) from Jannison pass to lower tributary of Rabb river.
95 Dragons teeth 5 hrs from Varfleet to eastern edge of Dragons teeth, then 10 hrs to Rabb river.
99 Firerim Reach 2 hrs walk north of river to Firerim Reach
133 Westland Forest forest SE of Arborlon near Shroudslip.Plains of the Tirfing with forest against mts.
138 Irrybus 7 hrs flight by ROC from Irrybus to Arborlon
175 Mermidon At mouth of Mermidon, mts on east bank, hilly grassland on west bank. 10ml long.
177 Southwatch 10 mls from SE end of Runne mts. 5mls from river mouth.
192 Rhenn valley 1 day from Arborlon.
193 Rhenn valley Troll army takes 6 days to march from Mermidon north to Rhenn.
200 Rhenn valley 18hrs march by elves from Rhenn south to Mermidon below Pykon bend. 50
276 Varfleet Hills and low mts north of Varfleet and south of river.
277 Varfleet Varfleet on bend of Mermidon. 8 hrs from Kennon pass.
283 Varfleet 2.5 days on river from Varfleet to Southwatch.
284 Southwatch From mouth of Mermidon can see range of hills NW in distance.
288 Mermidon flows east towards Kern. Grasslands south and east.
297 Silver river Silver river at SE of lake. 8hrs walk between mist marsh and Silver river. 12
308 Southwatch on west bank of river.
326 Southwatch 9 hrs on Gloon from Rock Spur to Southwatch following Mermidon. 200
333 frost white frost in late summer? (further north – Scotland?)
343 Southwatch 7 hrs horse from Southwatch NW to river source.
361 Battlemounds farms and pasture north of battlemounds
362 Black Oaks open ground east of Black Oaks and south of lake.
366 Dechtera 4 days slow wagon from north end of batlemounds to Dechtera 80
428 Rhenn valley can see Dragons teeth in east from valley.